About the book “Managing Organizations in Complex Environments from a Dynamic Strategic Perspective”

The complex dynamic of markets necessitates developing a dynamic strategic framework to incorporate complexity in strategy implementation and strategy formulation. In this book, comprehensive solutions and a set of structured principles  are introduced, allowing managers and practitioners to successfully manage organizations and firms in turbulent, uncertain situations and complex environments.

The book illustrates conceptual frameworks from a dynamic, strategic perspective that encompass a structured set of valuable principles and sub-elements. It illuminates comprehensive solutions that allow leaders, managers and practitioners to lead their organizations and firms through uncertain situations and complex environments to greater success. Available at amazon.com
The book illustrates conceptual frameworks from a dynamic, strategic perspective that encompass a structured set of valuable principles and sub-elements. It illuminates comprehensive solutions that allow leaders, managers and practitioners to lead their organizations and firms through uncertain situations and complex environments to greater success.
Available at amazon.com

احتياجات المؤسسات الكبيرة لتعيش فترة أطول

حتى تعيش المؤسسات والشركات الكبيرة لفترة أطول فانها بحاجة لمجموعة من المتطلبات، منها على سبيل المثال لا الحصر

توفر أنظمة عمل وطرائق عمل

توفر نظام حوكمة ومصفوفة مسئوليات واضحة لقطاعات الاعمال لديها

توفر الرؤية الملهمة والدافعية المستمرة

القدرة على التكيف فيالبئات المعقدة او المضطربة

سرعة الحركة لاتخاذ القرار المناسب عند الديناميكية العالية

Big Organizations’ needs to sustain longer time

Few big organizations sustained for a long time. In fact, such organizations need to have many issues such as (but not limited to):

  • Systems and methodologies
  • Governance system and a clear matrix of responsibilities
  •  Inspired vision and continuous motivations
  • Ability to adapt to complex environments
  • Agility to respond at the right time.
  • Reasonable financial position.

Lights on Middle East Geostrategy

Part I: the Middle East in the World Geostrategy

Middle East countries are located in the heart of the geostrategic interests of the United States, Europe, Russia, and China. They are located in the stability belt of the United States and Europe (stability belt is the zone surrounding Russia and Eastern Europe). The MIDDLE EAST countries control important navy lanes and air corridors; own the oil which is the source of the global energy; and separate Russia from the warm waters. In addition to the Arab- Israeli conflict that is influencing all the internal geopolitics of most the Middle East countries, and influencing the external geostrategic moves in the region.

Accordingly, the area is always under focusing not only by all the great powers but also by the emerging powers as well. Emerging powers such as China and regional emerging powers such as Turkey and Iran are very interested in the region. They scan the geopolitics and geostrategic changes regardless of the intention of each of them.

Globalization does not ease the geostrategic concerns because trades occur through the sea lanes, air corridor, and land routes. In contrast, globalization pushes towards protecting trade gains and accords. No doubt, the United States is the main power in the region and plays a vital role in shaping the geostrategy of the region. The global powers have not only an indirect effect on the geopolitics of the local countries but also they have a direct effect in some cases.

For example, Shah Riza was forced to abdicate in 1941 and succeeded by his son Mohammad as a sort of punishment because of his support to the German Rich in World War II.  In Syria: USA, Saudi Arabia, and their alliance from one side are supporting the rebels; while Russia, Iran, and China on the other side are supporting the Syrian regime. The United States, France, and Britain intervened coercively in Libya to force Ghadafi to step down; while the United States supported the Yemeni president Ali Saleh before his stepping down. In fact, most Middle East countries in the t are exposed to geostrategic intervene from external powers if serious geopolitical changes occur in any local country, or if serious geostrategic changes occur in the region. Most Middle East countries are vulnerable and prone to the danger of interference. No country is immune.


Changing in the Middle East

No doubt that the Middle East Arab countries are witnessing not only substantial changes but revolutionary ones after high oppression levels, poverty, exclusion of others, and the security-based regimes that have made winds of change inevitable.

The changing process in the region is not separated from the surroundings and its external context. No doubt that the neighborhood countries are being and going to be influenced directly. It is very essential for the actors interested in the region to develop appropriate polices and strategies in order to maintain not only the stability in the region but also their strategic interests in this region. Furthermore, it is their duty to participate in spreading freedom and dignity after decades of oppression and humiliation.